I was really pumped about hearing guitar hero coming out with another game until....

User Rating: 8.5 | Guitar Hero 5 PS3
Well here's what happend... all of a sudden guitar hero announces they're coming out with a new game. (Yes I got really excited). Anyways, when it came out it was just kind of a shock because they didn't really give enough notice about the game coming out. You know it's like saying yeah I'm gonna like make this awesome game come out in a couple weeks so I really want people to buy this game. But don't get me wrong it's a very fun game but I guess what was disappointing when The Beatles Rock Band was coming out the next week, which really just screwed the company over cause I mean THE BEATLES! Come on you can't beat that. But I advise people to play this game you know. It's an all around fun game so yeah. Hopfully everyone enjoys this odd post but I can't really say much else about this game. If you're a Guitar Hero fan I definetly advise you to buy this game. Thanks!