Finally there is a game just for your level 20 characters - it's more of the same solid gameplay that you expect.

User Rating: 9 | Guild Wars: Eye of the North PC
Finally there is a game just for your level 20 characters - it's more of the same solid gameplay that you expect.

This game really does a great job of showing time passing in the guild wars world (despite our characters still looking the same). Gwen has grown up, and you must use the aide of the Char and other unlikely allies to put evil down one last time.

Where the game gets frustrating is that spells have been significantly "nerfed" or have had their effectiveness lowered because of players abusing spells and cheesing the game. This really hurts the casual player. I had a level 20 paragon that basically became worthless because all of his spells were nerfed despite the fact I dumped weeks and weeks into beefing up his armor, etc.

That sucks.

The rest of the game is very good.

The heroes are still there and you will def. have a hard time choosing who to have tag along with you as there are a lot of cool personalities you will meet. The dwarfs dominate most of the game, and this game is probably the most geared towards playing by yourself than any of the others.

This game has lots of 1 on 1 fights versus the CPU and a dwarf storyline that you must do yourself. Kind of puts a damper on playing with friends when you are all doing quests and missions alone rather than together true MMO style which Guild Wars has always wavered across the line of RPG and MMO.

The bosses here are very hard as developers assume everyone is a maxedo ut superstar by now. Some levels take lots and lots of tries, but nothing like Nightfall which had some truly grueling quests.

The game is much longer than other expansions and you will find yourself playing this "expansion" much longer than other $60 full games.

If you liked any of the other Guild Wars games this improves on a lot of things and keeps you entertained for months.