It has one of the most engaging stories ever told in a strategy title. And it's also more colorful than most others.

User Rating: 9 | Grim Grimoire (First Print Limited Edition) PS2
GrimGrimoire is easily one of the best strategy games ever made. I'll start with what makes it great. One of the best stories in the strategy genre. Lillet Blan enrolls in the Silver Star Magical Academy, hoping to become a great magician so her brothers can go to school, and meets the teachers and the other students. In a matter of five days the evil archmage, Calvaros, and the devil, Grimlet, are freed and in order to find a way to defeat them, Lillet must repeat her first five days over and over. This may sound monotonous, but each time you go through these five days, Lillet will go down a different path to the inevitable end of these days and learn a little more about the teachers and a little more about her classmates. There are also great unit types, ranging from fairies to dragons. And each battle demands finding different ways to destroy your enemy's runes and protect your own. Each unit has different strengths and weaknesses. Before I get ahead of myself, I should say that the game takes a while to get the tutorials for different unit types out of the way. But once that was over with, I found it to be the only fault in the game. If you want something a little more colorful than most other strategy titles, GrimGrimoire will not disappoint.-Dan B. Jr.

Concept 9: A colorful strategy game with one of the best stories ever told in the genre.

Graphics 9: The hand-drawn graphics are gorgeous. There's also no inconsistencies whatsoever.

Sound 9: The music is pretty fitting for this game. The voice acting also fits the characters well.

Playability 8.5: The game plays well, with no technical issues whatsoever.

Entertainment 9: It's easily one of the best strategy games, and one of the best games in general, ever made.

Replay Value 8.5: 25 subchapters were thrown in and some battles are rewarding enough to make you wanna play them again just for fun.