A perfect package of clever puzzles and charming storytelling

User Rating: 9.7 | Grim Fandango PC
It has been a while since I finished this game, but it has stuck in my mind as one of the finest adventure games I have ever had the joy of playing. It is a perfect package of incredible storytelling (Tim Schafer at his best), clever puzzles, amazing music (I have gotten the soundtrack and listen to it regularly: it can definitely hold up even outside the game), 3d characters that I actually felt for (brought to life by impeccable voice acting), and imaginative locations realized through graphics that still look quite beautiful today, six years after the game's release.

The story takes place across the span of four years, and even though the player only plays through several important scenes within that time, one still gets the feeling of change, of the passage of time and of emotional attachments (Rubacava was such a real place to me that when I was done with it, I was loathe to leave). The dramatic plot pretty much takes center stage, but the gameplay (this IS a game, after all) is just as enjoyable and fits in seamlessly with the the storytelling. In fact, I found it plenty entertaining just to click on every object and see what Manny can do with it (well, maybe that's a bit overboard on my part, but the designers are very creative, and the writing is sharp and often quotable). Puzzles can be quite complex and challenging, but never to the point where they get frustrating.

Overall, a memorable experience, definitely a pinnacle of the genre. They just don't make any games like this anymore. Gamespot, in a surprise move, even chose Grim Fandago as their PC Game of the Year (which shocked many readers, I'm sure, since 1998 was also the year of Half-Life and Starcraft). Therefore it's sad how poor the sales were (that's why they will never be making a sequel) and now to see the game selling for $10 in bargain bins without any show of acclaim. But the low price is yet another reason why you must get Grim Fandango. It is indeed a must play!