Granny Smith is a very addictive platformer thanks to its fast past and solid mechanics.

User Rating: 8.5 | Granny Smith AND
The Good: Fast paced gameplay, excellent level design, makes you want to win

The Bad: Only three items to buy with coins, may seem too easy for some, not enough levels, not enough characters

I have to admit that I passed this one by as another ridiculous mobile game for kids. This game is one of the most fun I have ever had on a phone. The fast pace and perfectly balanced difficulty makes you want to never put this game down. I got all three apples in every level in just a few play throughs and desperately wanted more. That is how you make a good mobile game.

You play as a granny who is chasing down a little boy dressed as a thief. You have to jump, zipline, and somersault your way through each level to collect every apple. Along the way you gets to collect coins which you can use to buy banana peels, baseballs, and helmets. The helmets shorten your recovery time when you fall and the other two slow down the little boy when thrown. The basic gameplay is simple yet addictive. One button is used to jump, but if you hold it you will front flip which also makes you jump farther. Very smart on the developers part for doing this. The coins are your guideline on where to jump and what to do. Also every smart. I never got stuck because I didn't know what to do or how to get to an area. The platforming gets a bit trickier with ziplining, and having to use momentum and physics to get around.

Each level is less than a minute long, but you have to do them flawlessly to stay ahead of the boy and get each apple. The level design is very clever, and there's a nice balance between all the levels. I found that there were a few frustrating sections, but I eventually got past them and mastered the levels. The game is just so fast paced with the flips, slides, jumps, and ziplines. The fact that you can get every apple and complete every level makes you want to not put the game down. This game wants you to beat it and it feels really great.

Granny Smith is well worth the $1 and probably even more. More levels are coming soon, but what is here is some seriously addictive and fast paced fun. I haven't had this much fun with a mobile game in a long time, and that's saying a lot. My biggest complaint is probably that you can only buy three items with your coins and there aren't enough levels or characters to play as. These are minor issues that don't really hinder this excellent game.