Just as good as it's version on Playstation

User Rating: 6.4 | Grand Theft Auto GBC
Game Review-Gameboy Color-Grand Theft Auto

Review 27

Game Genre: Action

The graphics are (obviously) not as good as the same game on the Playstation, but they are around average for their time on the GBC. Cartoony and pixilated, but it’s easy enough to get your way around town. The only major problem that I had with the graphics was that the screen wasn’t big enough. The driving graphics are so fast that I often found myself crashing an important car into a building because I could not see where I was going.

There are 4 or 5 different characters you can use, that really don’t differ in any way. Once they are on the screen they’re only one pixel anyway. Running around town, you answer phone calls or get into certain cars to do missions that people need done. For example, picking up a taxi with fake plates, picking up some weird guy named Jimmy, and dropping him off at a coffee shop. Or maybe picking up a tanker with a bomb in it, dropping it off in the middle of the town, exiting, and running away before you blow up with it. Controls
With only GBC’s limited controls, Rockstar didn’t have very much to work with, but somehow they (kinda) pulled it off.

D-Pad: Turn character
A: Move character/car
B: Shoot gun
Select: Exit car, switch gun
Start: Pause
Select + A: Enter car

Good ole Grand Theft Auto. Stealing cars, running people over, shooting cops. Answering phone calls from mysterious people and doing their bidding for apparently no reason at all. Somehow that turned out to be really fun.

Grand Theft Auto is a fairly durable game for the GBC. It’s very long, with three different cities to roam and complete. When you get tired of the missions, then it’s always fun to just kill people, get the cops on your tail, kill them, run roadblocks, blow up cop cars. You know, the usual.

Difficulty: Hard
Some missions are easy, but many times they will take a long time to complete. When you fail a mission, you have to trudge all the way back to the original spot that you received the mission, then start it again. The further you progress through the game, the longer the missions get.

Overall Score (6.4/10)