WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW WOW awsome game you all! i will never get tired of this game! boo yah! online play needed though

User Rating: 9.8 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PC
WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW WOW awsome game you all! i will never get tired of this game! boo yah! online play needed though, the maps are huge i love this game i have it on both pc and ps2 and wow, online play couldve gotten this game a 10/10 but a9.9/10 is good enough for me through the dangerous streets of san andreas kill kill kill kill! all you want and the cheats on this game are as good as ever! killing where ever you go flying planes driving boats,bikes,farm equipment,dirtbikes,trucks,semis,cars wow buy this game if you dont have and do not sell it if you have keep it along with vice city, 3, 2,1(actually only vice city and san andreas)