GTA4 breaks the laws of video games, rebuilding them with new standards. The only way to describe the experience:

User Rating: 9.5 | Grand Theft Auto IV PS3
Throughout the history of electronic entertainment, standards have also been made to be broken. In the film industry, Citizen Kane (1941) redefined how to use a camera to properly record a movie. The Godfather (1972) revolutionized how a classic "love" story can turn into sheer chaos (among other things). Blade Runner (1989) destroyed the dream of a perfect, "beautiful" future for mankind, replacing it with a run-down dystopia.

This is just what Grand Theft Auto 4 does to the video game industry. Through all the hype, this game proved itself as a new standard for all open-world video games (if not all games in general).

-The story mode will take any gamer a good 25-30 hours to beat.
-The character development is outstanding. By the end of the game you will know the characters like the back of your own hand. That said, Niko Bellic is an amazing character.
-The shooting mechanics have drastically improved since previous games (which still ever good though). The ability to easily "take cover" adds an entirely new dimension to all gun fights.
-Online play is a great addition. Cops n' Crooks is a ton of fun.
- Beyond the story mode, there is a ton to do in Liberty City, including the flying rats, along with other bonus missions.
-Just exploring all of Liberty City can be quite entertaining.

-The graphics are nothing too special. Occasionally slow frame rates can really get annoying.
-Brucie was kind of annoying.
-I am trying to think of other things, but there isn't much at all.


Grand Theft Auto 4 is a great addition to an already great series. In more ways than one, this game broke the laws. Through its tremendous story mode, outstanding open-world features, and multiplayer capabilities, GTA4 is a game that will represent this generation of gaming for years to come.

Not to mention, who can argue with $500 million in the first week?