Baby sitting, Roman Style...

User Rating: 4.5 | Grand Ages: Rome PC
Despite the lack of semi-decent graphics, and despite the lack of intuitive controls, and even despite the lack of a really poor storyline, I was still hoping for something to pass the time....not so much. Because whatever small hope there was for this game was shot out the window by really really really bad economy system.

Graphics - All the buildings looked the same, the ability to zoom in and out was minimal, and there was little detail on the characters.

Gameplay - 95% of my time was spent running around putting out fires, stopping riots, and figuring out what to fix. Sure, if I wanted to sit back and map out my entire session each time I played, then planned on paper how I wanted each area to be laid out, and then toss in the occasional chance that I might "anger the gods" and get an earthquake, maybe I wouldn't have fires and riots...but who the [insert your choice of expletive) wants to do that.

Overall - An absolute disaster of a game with zero value besides pure frustration. And don't write me and say this or that about my review, because this game sucked, and in over 40+ reviews I havent given this low of a score...ever.