Too much fun to shake a bat at. Don't miss it, eat at home for two days and buy it. $15.

User Rating: 9 | Gotham City Impostors PS3
Wow! Why can't other games be this much fun for this price? With another stack of free DLC around the corner, I don't think you can beat it. Even if you get completely slaughtered you'll still have a great time customizing your character and laughing at what your enemies say when they snipe you in the head with an arrow. Tired of getting stuck close range with a sniper rifle? There's no classes so you can haul around an 11-foot long rife and an SMG. Or how about a "Noob Tube" and an assault rifle? Gadgets? You got it! Fly through the air and take people out with a dive bomb. Or go old-fashioned drive-in style with your super fast roller skates. "Yeah but I'll be blown to pieces by all these aforementioned "Noob Tubers," you say. 'Nay', say I, for even your body type is customizable. You can be a hard to hit, card-thick, sprinter or a gorilla-dwarfing fatso with extra health built in. Don't think you're creative enough to come up with a winning combo? There are still plenty of presets for your killing pleasure. Oh, and it'll take you forever to max this one out. With 1000 levels, you'll be playing this on medicare.