Great story with a lot of depth, that will speak to each player differently in some manner.

User Rating: 8 | Gone Home MAC
Gone Home is a game that has gotten a lot of praise and deservedly so. I didn't enjoy it as much as the people, whom claim it's a masterpiece, but that shouldn't take away from the enjoyable experience I had with it. The game requires a lot of close searching. This gameplay mechanic's strength is also its weakness. When I found an informative object in a tough hiding spot, I felt highly rewarded. When I missed important pieces of information (which i would find out about online after my play through), I would feel irritated because I felt that I looked through every foot of that house. The story is well crafted and has many layers. You truly care about the characters due to what you learn about them from what you find in the house. I think the best part about the game's story is how it will speak to each person in a different way. For people who loved the game, it seems as if the story hit them in a very personal level. I thought it was an interesting story, but it didn't affect me at a personal level, like it did for others. Gone Home should also be praised for how the game tries to be different than the rest. It is truly a unique experience and should be played by anyone who enjoys narratives in video games.