Immersive game, but overhyped, too short, and not worth the money.

User Rating: 6.5 | Gone Home PC
I really enjoy playing these type of games, and I bought this due to the praise given to it. Unfortunately, I didn't read the user reviews revealing the flaws of this game. The game felt like playing Slender: The Arrival, but without actually having to collect anything or be chased by Slender. Thinking this might be a horror game, the atmosphere was pretty unsettling to start, but that feeling quickly dissipated. There was potential to make this game much more psychological, but unfortunately it just didn't back it up much at all, even though the story pretty much set it up for some creepy stuff to happen.

Joining with many other reviewers, the game was really short. There are many free indie games out there that are either much cheaper, or free, and give me a much more immersive experience than this one did. Granted, it did tell a story, and followed through with it well, but i played it for 2 hours and combed over just about everything I could find.

Overall I would give this game a 6.5 out of 10. I had fun playing the game, the graphics were nice, but there were several areas where there could have been improvement. I expected a lot more for $20.