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User Rating: 10 | GoldenEye 007 N64
When I played this game, I have to admit it's one of the 200 best games ever made. This game is a complete genius. It is a must for all N64 owners, though the game has this one problem, the game does not have any health pickups or checkpoints which makes the game very hard to beat. But anyway, this game deserves an A-! Here the results:

Game-play 9/10: The only two things the game should've had is health pickups and checkpoints.

Graphics 10/10: Like every N64 games, the graphics are colorful.

Controls 10/10: Absolutely precised but should've had a target lock-on move.

Sound/Music 10/10: Awesome music!

Camera 10/10: Terrific for a first-person shooter game.

Level Design 9/10: The designs are totally spectacular!

Lasting Appeal 10/10: A must for all First-Person Shooter and N64 fans.

Overall, GoldenEye 007 is a fantastic game that can have two problems.

The Good:
Colorful graphics
Precised controls
Awesome music
Spectacular level designs

The Bad:
No health pickups
No checkpoints
No target lock-ons

This can be very hard to beat but it is still a perfect game! That's the end of my review, Good Day Everyone!
GoldenEye 007 gets a 10 out of 10!