"A true classic for the Sega Genesis"

User Rating: 8.7 | Golden Axe GEN
Golden Axe... if you played it, then I am confident that you will agree with this review. Golden Axe is a some-what quick game... but that doesn’t mean that it’s easy... or boring. Even with these new systems and games that are around now, everyone who owns a Genesis, dusts it off once in a while and pops in their favorite game. Golden Axe is great if your by yourself or with a friend.

The sound give the game a feeling of being in a barbaric and mystical place... like the Conan movies. The graphics are... well... it was on the Sega Genesis. But for its time, it had some great backgrounds as well as character designs. One thing I love about the game is that the weaker the character is physically, (the warrior princess) the greater their magic and the stronger the character is physically, (the Viking) the weaker the magic. The last boss is quite a challenge... (Hint: his skeleton bodyguards are invincible) and if you die, you are overcome with quick anger, and then you immediately hit the reset button and start over. To this day... when I beat a game... I compare that feeling of beating it to the feeling I would get when beating Golden Axe. There is no feeling like taking down that last boss with the Viking and no magic... those who have played it know exactly what I’m talking about. You have to find this game just to get that feeling. It is worth it. Golden Axe is one of the best game for Sega Genesis... and to me... Sega Genesis is one of the best systems ever.