A portable game, for the portable minded

User Rating: 8 | Godzilla Kaijuu Dairantou Advance GBA
I'll be honest, I don't think of portable gaming the same way most people seem to. Never could I understand how a 30+ hour RPG was meant for a portable system. This game, Godzilla Domination, is exactly what I think of when I want a portable game.

Quick and easy game play, where you don't have to spend hours perfecting movement or unlocking every last detail. Everything is available from the very beginning; when you picking your monster for the Story mode it even tells you how to do their specials. The matches are fast, and can get as challenging as you want (and if your beating up 3 other monsters on Expert, you might wanna step away for a bit anyway).

The graphics are cartoony, but easy on the eyes at the same time, and are very fun to just watch.Since when did video games have to be hyper realistic anyway? The sound is great, with each monster getting their distinctive sounds, and the music the not irritating.

However, it's the play time that I would categorize this as a portable game. Going through the Custom Match, it'll be about 5 minutes per match (your mileage may vary depending on how many monster you get in on it). The story mode can take 20-30 minutes... or more if you're me and got your butt kicked. This is enough to kill time if you need a break at work, or are waiting for an appointment.

There you have it; Godzilla Domination is quick, fun and colourful. If I wanted long, story-driven epics with tons of un-lockable content, then I've got home consoles for that, otherwise this is a portable game. And my portable game of choice.