Just give it a chance.

User Rating: 7 | Go! Sudoku PSP
What is there to say about Go Sudoku other than it’s a good game. People who like sudoku are going to love this game, people who have barely ever even seen a sudoku puzzle before might come to enjoy this game, if they stick around long enough.

Sudoku’s gameplay is what you might expect from a sudoku puzzle, except (and this I enjoyed a lot) that Go Sudoku tells you when you have placed a number incorrectly, you wont get that in the newspaper. As you might expect by now it comes with multiplayer and two player Sudoku. But not all is good news, there is a very annoying little glitch that displays a little message window right across the grid, this glitch does not let you see the grid, leaving you unable to play. The most annoying part is that the timer continues. There is an alternative to just standing there and watch the timer go by, you can actually pause the game and wait for the message window to go away. As I said the glitch is annoying especially when it happens 3 or 4 times during a single puzzle game.

I’ve herd people talking about the background graphics and the music and how good they are, well I can honestly say that I don’t even remember them. Don’t get me wrong this is not a bad thing, this just means that both the graphics and the music were not annoying. This is a plus with a game that leaves you staring at the same GUI all the time.

I managed to play Go Sudoku past the point of just putting away the game, and I ended up enjoying it. I have to say that I was part of those people that had never played sudoku before, now; I have gone through 300 of the 1000 puzzles available.