It's Free...And it's Sudoku, if you're a fan, you'll absolutely love this. If not, get Zen of Sudoku on Steam.

User Rating: 8.2 | Go! Sudoku PS3
Really simply put, it's free game on the PS Store, but if you wish to expland the number of puzzles, you have to buy expansion packs for it.

Graphics, the backgrounds are actually quite dazzling, but it IS a number game traditionally played with a pencil and paper. This is no Gears of War, but it gets the job done.

Gameplay, if you like it, you'll love it, and if you're just not a fan, you're better off by just staying away.

Sound: Trance beats and electronica keep you relaxed and paced. The sound is excellent for the purpose of the game.

Conclusion, for the price (being nothing) you get a decent Sudoku game. There are alternatives like Unknown World's Zen of Sudoku, which is the greatest Sudoku game of all time, but it's on PC and it's 10 bucks. If you like it enough, you can by the extra packages of 500 or so puzzles, and go ahead and knock yourself out.