Free, Challenging, oh, and free...

User Rating: 7.5 | Go! Sudoku PS3
Well, the best part about this game is that it's free. I honestly wouldn't pay money for it, but I find myself playing it when I need a break from things like Lumines, or Ultimate Block Party. Graphically, this game is gorgeous. Although, that doesn't say much, considering the game itself is as deep as Sudoku.

Maybe I'm just not a big fan of Sudoku, I don't know. But the game itself has always seemed tedious. I really love puzzles, but this feels a little shallow and unrewarding to me. I have friends that come over and love the game, and it was free, so why not have it. I'm just not a big fan of Sudoku, and that's about all there is to say. It plays well, no broken anything really, and if you enjoy Sudoku, you'll love this game.
