A very strange game that doesn't live up to any standards at all.

User Rating: 2.3 | Glover N64
Introduction: Glover.....Whether you like this game or not is a matter op opinion. Personally I thought it wasn't as good as it was cracked up to be. This is a story about a Glove and you guessed it the main bad guy is a....Glove!

Graphics: 3/10
The Graphics on this game are alright but not as good as they should have been. Glover doesn't look very complex and the balls he uses have no attractive patterns. Most of the enemies look alrightm, but completely bizzare and and the big game boss looks pretty cool, if not a bit weird. So does the ball when it transforms. But the graphics of this game still leave a lot to be desired.

Sound: 2/10
The sound.....where do I start. The sound on most levels are either way to soft, too repetitive or to similar to other music in the game. You can hear the ball bouncing which is one strong point and when enemies attack it sounds alright. As well as when the ball transforms it makes a good sound.

Gameplay 2/10:
Glover, well i'm not really sure how to describe the gameplay. Heres the best I can do: You have to go into all of these various areas of the world-not as good as it sounds-and get the ball from each of them, then bring that ball back into te castle and it turns into a crytsal. You need all the balls to get to the evil glove. You also get our own ball to use which you can change into various other things such as a Bowling ball, a crystal and a marble-there are others-each can help you out with something different. This sounds a lot better in theory thatn it really is in practice. The game is generally dull and boring and near-impossible if notusing cheats.

Controls: 4/10
The controls on this game are not too complex though some will still be challenging to master. The easiest of course is jumping. Bouncing the ball around is one of the coolers moves in this game. But there are some hard controls that could have been improved such as aiming the ball when you throw it.

Replay Value: 3/10
You can always go back and try to beat your point score on every level which can be fun as well as simply going back and playing the game again. There is also a challenge to get through the game with cheats and without cheats but that is about as far as replay value goes.

Challenge: 10/10 OR 1/10
If you use the cheats in this game this is a very easy game. Though some of the cheats are pretty cool. If you don't use the cheats this game is almost impossible. It is more challenging if you think your a master and up to the challenge without using cheats.

Conclusion: 4/10
This game is an alright game but still could be dramatically improved. I do suggest you rent this game before buying it though. That is why I gave this game 4/10.