You play as a glove...thats where all the fun is.

User Rating: 5.5 | Glover PS
If you watch the opening scene, you'll see that a wizard has mixed the wrong potions and has turned himself to stone and his gloves have been knocked off. The hero is Glover who has fallen to the side while the other glove has fallen into the cauldron and become evil in the process. And so the story begins, not much you can do as Glover but the point is to find the crystal balls and turn them into rubber balls to safely transport them back to the wizard. The most you can really do is run and jump unless you have a ball then you can change it into different forms each needed to solve various puzzles throughout the game. The enemies in this game can be quite ridiculous and at times you can hardly tell the difference from friend or foe early on but that's a small flaw compared to the everything else in this game. Overall this game is good for about an hour then it just gets annoying, check your bargain bin if you really want to submit yourself to the torture that is Glover.