Giant Gram 2000 All Japan Pro Wrestling 3 for the Dreamcast (IMPORT)

User Rating: 7.9 | Giant Gram 2000: All-Japan Pro Wrestling 3 DC
What I was expecting was a fun wrestling game with a high replay value. What I got was a action-packed wrestling game. It has it's flaws though. For one thing it's in Japanese so to even know what mode you're playing in, a translation guide is essential. The Create-A-Wrestler mode is dangerously handicapped. Especially if you don't have a translation guide this mode will be very hard and experimental for most. I had know idea how to edit moves or holds. The only thing I figured out how to change on my wrestler was how many elbow and knee pads they had. On a lighter note, the gameplay was fairly simple. Basically three buttons guided you through a match. Different combinations of the buttons determine different holds and moves. The game has a good variety of different generic songs. The volume levels on the game are fine. The graphics are astounding for the time it was made. Not choppy or edgy, very smooth and has a good flow. I would say it's a better multiplayer or party game. My final ruling is if you enjoy wrestling or fighting games then Giant Gram 2000 All Japan Pro Wrestling 3 is a definite purchase title.