NO Joe!

User Rating: 3.5 | G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra X360
Let's just get one thing out of the way, this is not the worst game ever made, it's not even the worst moviebased videogame either. That dubious honour goes to "Underworld" by "Play It!" for the PS2. Why do I mention that game? Well, frankly I had forgot all about it, until I played G.I. Joe The Rise of Cobra, and while it is not as disastrously, appallingly bad as Underworld, it is not a good game at all. The movie rocked, and recent moviebase games have been surprisingly decent, even good (Transformers: ROTF). But G.I. Joe The Rise of Cobra puts a stop to this positive progress. It is a third-person shooter. You start the game shooting bad guys, and end the game shooting bad guys, and guess what? It gets real dull real fast.

Auto-aiming is awkward and does not work properly much of the time, vehicles handle horribly with shockingly bad controls. Boss fights are underwhelming, there are no cool moments or set-pieces to be found. You've probably seen the graphics already, it's embarassing frankly. The game seems to go on forever before the ending strolls along and it's almost an insult. You feel like you've accomplished nothing, so you just sit there, frustrated you've spend so much time getting to the final mission, completing it, just to watch...nothing.

Positive stuff, well, the game has a huge selection of characters and unlockables, problem is you won't go back to unlock everything. Also, the voiceactor for Cobra Commander hams it up greatly, and it's fairly amusing. Also, I guess co-op makes the game slighly more fun, I haven't tested it. What? You think I actually found some other person willing to play this game?

Please skip this game, check out the movie instead which is actually really good, if nothing else, I can guarantee it's better than this game.