GEON: Mystery Science 3D Multiplayer Pac-Man Blast Ultra 3K vs. the Jungian Shadow Self! Or something!

User Rating: 9.5 | GEON: emotions X360
As unappealingly girly as this game appears at first blush, once you play it for a while and understand what the hell is actually going on apart from the obvious process of you rolling around and sucking up little peg-things ((an initial period of at least mild sobriety is suggested until game mechanics are properly semi-embedded)), you will realize that this game is PURE FRIGGIN' GENIUS, and i'm not easily impressed.

Basically, you are a cube of some sort, and you roll around a modified, 3D, semi-transparent checkerboard with curly parts, picking up peg-things as you roll across the board a la Pac-Man eating dots, except the peg-things are on every square of the board. At the same time, your opponent does the same on his side of the board. When you suck up 20% of the peg-things, your peg-thing holding capacity is maxed, and you can roll over to your opponent's side of the board and score a goal by rolling over the center square. Rinse, repeat. First one to five goals -- i.e., first person to cash in all their peg-things -- wins. There are various powerups strewn equally across both sides of the board, some can assist you in messing up your opponent, and work best when you are actually near him ((as he rolls around under you)). Different characters (("emotions" -- whatever)) have a different pet powerup that will be located on their side of the board, but a variety of powerups are available on each level. The game looks cool, plays great. That's about it.

I make XBLA games for a living and i weep openly that i did not make this game. Condole me! Condole me!