Arcade Gaming Ambrosia for your Xbox 360

User Rating: 9.2 | Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved X360
Amazingly addictive arcade action accosts Xbox 360 ... there's simply nothing quite a drawing as the experience of playing Geometry Wars, think of it as Ikaruga for the next generation.

The graphics are an array of glimmering colors - particles exploding and resounding off the swirling array of shapes bombarding your already over-saturated ocular nerves. The sound - a mix of techno, boops, and explosive beeps, rips apart what's left of your tenuous grasp on reality.

The controls are simple - easy to pick up, difficult to master- a simple twist of the joysticks is all that's required to play. Fans of Katamari Damacy will feel right at home with the dual-analog controls, as the experience quickly dissolves into a psychadelic withdraw from reality.

Playing Geometry Wars is the videogaming equivalent of dropping acid, sit down, relax, and say good-bye to anything that's not a brightly colored moving shape for a couple hours...

An overall amazing experience - for the pocket change the game costs, you get a slice of gaming pie that will blow your mind. Get a trip sitter, tell the post office to hold your mail - you're going on a little math vacation...