How Brumak saved my life.

User Rating: 10 | Gears of War PC
Now the game is perfect. We've got Brumak. Wait. We don't. I didn't say that. I didn't write this. They are listening. They are watching. Too late...I see them now outside windows, Xbox users who committed suicide. Poor souls. They are standing there with 3 red Halos above their heads - infamous Red Ring Of Death... With heavy weapons. 360's power supply adapter in one hand - deadly, can maul a cow and high heat energy emitter in another - Xbox 360 itself. I'm doomed... I see some movement! They're running! They're running scared as hell! I know why - it's him - standing in front of me. Marcus Fenix.

"I came to kill you" he says.
"For writing this review."
Damn! They're fast. Xbox Live users. I know now what for their money were spend...
"Wait! I've got rig connected to 32' HDTV! And you can know shoot a Brumak!" - I shout in despair. He stares at me in complete silence. I'm starting to pray. And then...
"Show me" he says.