Great sequal with some gripes that hold it back a little but don't stop it from being a superb game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Gears of War 2 X360
Getting straight to the point, Gears two is more of the same. If you didn't like Gears, you wont like Gears 2 - if you did like Gears, you'll probably love Gears 2!

I am a massive fan of the original and I have to say I really enjoyed the sequal, it continued the story nicely and gave more of the same which is no bad thing. Some of the set peices are great however there were perhaps a few too many and I think the team got a bit carried away with trying to make a specticle - the worm level for example, while technically quite impressive felt a bit stupid to say the least. I also thought the battle with Skorge was cheap and underwhelming. However, the level featuring the Sires was superb and really atmospheric!

Multiplayer - the same old Gears but matchmaking and general performance was not up to scratch. When this came out I was becoming a COD convert so I hardly played it online.

Graphics - As the original but with a nip and tuck here and there
Sound - As before, big explosions and dumb comments aplenty

Overall - excellent campaign (with a few caveats) and disapointing multiplayer