"Gears of War 2" is better than the first. It's one of the XBOX 360's best games.

User Rating: 9.5 | Gears of War 2 X360
Just like, and perhaps more so than "Halo 2", GOW 2 is being considered a quasi-sequel. "Gears of War 1.5" is how some would describe it. And perhaps they are right because the developer Epic Games have recycled everything from a gameplay point-of-view. Graphics are slightly improved and the online modes haven't been immensely expanded upon. But still, when you consider how great everything was from the start, even slight refinements make a great game even greater. Alas, this sequel is ultimately better than the first.

The first difference you will see is the locations (which are bigger and brighter) and the scope of an ever raging battle which trumps the first in terms of the number of enemies and activity involved. The story picks up six months after the end of the last game and more character development has been added. Some new weapons and moves have been included to make the game a little more exciting, but other than that, this is basically the "Gears" that you've played before. However, new maps and two more new competitive modes will keep players hooked. "Horde" is a cool new coop mode in which you and a few other players fight a never ending wave of Locust who increasingly get stronger.

Overall, "Gears of War 2" is great fun. Any fan of shooters and action/sci-fi/horror movies will love it.