Best remake since the original 1985 classic arcade game!

User Rating: 9 | Gauntlet (2014) PC

Gauntlet has always been one of my favorite games. Back in the day, I played the Warrior for 6 hours on one quarter. This still hails as one of my greatest video game achievements. Well you can imagine the joy I felt when I heard a remake was coming out that honors the original game. And let me say, this game delivers, and then some. It truly feels like a modern take on the original game thanks to the sound effects, graphics, and campy voice overs. Of course, everything is now enhanced, but it still "feels" like you're running through those dungeon halls, trying to survive for another few seconds, until you reach that food.

I would have given it a perfect 10, but I'd like to see an endless gameplay mode like the arcade had, that randomizes the dungeon levels that come with the game.