Could Be Better

User Rating: 7.9 | Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows PS2
I like the Hack n Slash game play, massive amounts of easy to kill enemies, and the ever growing weapons that your character can wield. i enjoyed the gameplay. KILL KILL KILL. yes, it wasnt as tactical as most recent games, like GuildWars, Champions Return to Arms or the WoW games, but to just take it easy and wipe off waves of monsters and men is quite relaxing. The graphics have much improved since Dark Legacy, but the story line is EXTREMELY short. I bought my game yesterday, and in four hours, i was done. It was VERY disappointing for the game to end so fast, and the bosses are quite easier than the last game. I also liked the wide character selection given to Dark Legacy, along with the time it took to beat it. for the next gauntlet game, which i will be waiting for, make the game really long, like months long. make a wide variety of characters. improve graphics even more and add more voices. i cant stand that same old voice, "Red Warrior is about too die!" or " Needs food badly!" its real annoying hearing it again and again, and again...

its as if Seven Sorrows is a rough copy for something better. TAKE YOUR TIME IN THE FUTURE MIDWAY!