Nt bad.............however repetive gameplay makes it kinda boring...nt the type u r stuck on to =PPP

User Rating: 6.3 | Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows PS2
easy learnin curve n easy control starts the game out fine. however soon u will get bored with the repetive hack n slash thingy. the gd thing is tat u can hav up to 4 players hackin away at the same time. instead of usin realistic high-end 3D graphics the creator uses comic-like drawin which is kinda cool too. nice lookin skills r oso 1 of the reason players get hooked. for me its jus the same as those dynasty warriors game...borrrriiinnnggg....but i bought it anyway so o well LOL. therefore i would recommend rentin n nt buyin and my score is 6.2. ( bein called immortal all the time is nt tat bad though LOL the king sucks anyway who would want disgustin monsters as advisorssome sexy gals would work for me o.O)

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