o0o0o0o0o Gauntlet Seven Sorrows owns? Check my review out man and you will know the details. WOOOT Anyways... Woot!!!!!

User Rating: 6.5 | Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows PS2
I dont have this game yet but i've played this at my friends house, pretty sick but short, online play is awesome, if you have online do it its fun! I think gamespot had rated this to low, maybe a 6.2 -7.0, around there wil be fine. 5.2 is too low, this game maybe borring after u beat the game or u get stuck at some part and u need help. i havent beaten the whole game but i know its fun when u play multiplayer. playing alone is fun too becuz if u find something good. you dont have to argue O.o, any ways the gameplay is awesome, 4 classes i saw in the game, warrior, sorccerress, valkerie and elf. most of the things are the same from the presooius versions of gaunltet. But one thing thast new is the weopon class level up. Lvl1-5, its pretty sick but i dont no everything about it. i got my weopon to a lvl two. pretty cool and wierd =P. Once i get this game ill be paying this 24/7. How did i find out about this before? I played MK Shaolin Monks (I have it) and loked at the future games coming out for december. I found Gaunltet and i thought it was good becuase i played Gauntlet Dark Legacy, that was good but the graphics are funked up ( I dont care about Graphic but these suck) Any ways i raed this 6.4 Fair, that should be the rating on gamespot. I should recommaned this game to people who like adventure , rpg and action and maybe gory abnd blood. i wanna get this game becuase its rpg and i like rpgs, final fantasy, Tales, etc. Anywasys.. GET THIS GAME!!!

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