An underestimated game. Gauntlet's multiplayer kept me and two others completely occupied.

User Rating: 7.6 | Gauntlet: Dark Legacy PS2
many game's mulitplayer or co-op mode will bore you to death. This game, Gauntlet, doesn't do that.

Although I didn't own the game me and a couple of friends rented it one night on a whim. We stayed up extremely late that night, and couldn't pry the controller off our hands. Not to sweat this game but to pu tit in context, this game is a little underrated. Graphics may not be to par and the sound not to genius, but it kept us on our toes. Teamwork. I can't much for single playing this game, however for 4 player co-op this game uses one screen. This helps keep everyone on one screen and any objects or door in view without losing any characters.

What one person may miss the other catches. Someone needs help here comes your friend to the rescue. In the beginning you get to pick the ability you want wizard, swords, archer etc the usual. It's quite easy to pick up really, kill everything and unlock doors. No story that I remember, but a fun game nonetheless.