Looking for a solid multi player game that will last a long time? This is it.

User Rating: 8.1 | Gauntlet: Dark Legacy GC
Gauntlet Dark Legacy is a solid multiplayer game that will last you and your friends along time. I hate to use the old cliché “graphics don’t make a game” but it is fitting for this game. The game play isn’t fantastic, but there is just something about it that makes it fun and keeps you coming back for more. The big attractive to this game is definitely the multiplayer even though the single player is just as fun it will take you less time to finish it on one player than two or more. Gaining levels and competing against your friends for treasure and other items keeps it fun and competitive. Overall a very solid 8.1. I recommend this game to anyone looking for a fun, long game, and especially someone looking for a multiplayer video game.

Gameplay: 7/10; Not the deepest of controls, but very easy to pick up and learn.

Graphics: 6/10; It looks out of date. Sound: 6/10; The soundtrack and sound effects are not great.

Value: 10/10; a game that costs $20.00 used that could last you up to 30 hours what can I say?

Tilt 10/10; The story for GDL is very good, while the presentation is ok.

Seriously, is there anything better than hearing “You have found a Rune stone.”