Cheats & Guides

Zumba Fitness Core Cheats For Xbox 360

  1. Achievements

    Complete "Learn the Steps" Bollywood Bollywood Pro
    Create a Playlist Bronze Choreographer
    Finish a Short Class Bronze Class
    Complete a low intensity single song with five stars Bronze Star
    Unlock every achievement Completionist
    Complete "Learn the Steps" Cumbia Cumbia Pro
    Finish a two player song with ten Stars Duo Stars
    Complete a goal Goal Completer
    Create four playlists Gold Choreographer
    Finish a Full-Length Class Gold Class
    Complete a high intensity single song with five stars Gold Star
    Complete your first Zumba Fitness CORE song Join the Party
    Unlock all bonus videos Locksmith
    Complete "Learn the Steps" Merengue Merengue Pro
    Complete "Learn the Steps" Reggaeton Reggaeton Pro
    Complete "Learn the Steps" Salsa Salsa Pro
    Complete "Learn the Steps" Samba Samba Pro
    Create two playlists Silver Choreographer
    Finish a Mid-Length Class Silver Class
    Complete a medium intensity single song with five stars Silver Star
    Play and complete every song Total Dancer
    Play in all the venues World Traveler
    Play Zumba Fitness CORE for twelve hours in a month Zumba Aficionado
    Complete all tutorials Zumba Diploma
    Complete a Full Class with two players Zumba Duo
    Get above 80% technique in one song Zumba Expert
    Play Zumba Fitness CORE on at least two different days in a single week Zumba Fan
    Burn 5000 Calories Zumba Fire
    Burn 2000 calories Zumba Heat
    Burn 10000 calories Zumba Inferno
    Play Zumba Fitness CORE on at least four different days in a single week Zumba Lover
    Get above 80% technique in ten songs Zumba Master
    Get above 80% technique in three songs Zumba Pro
    Dance with all 6 instructors Zumba Socialite

    Contributed by: Guard Master