Cheats & Guides

Tribes: Vengeance Cheats For PC

  1. Console commands

    Right-click on the shortcut for Tribes: Vengeance and in the target field add a space and -console after the executable. While in play, press the TAB key and the console will appear on the bottom of the screen. Enter in a command to get the desired effect

    Effect Effect
    changesize # \"Changes\" your size (Pretty worthless but amusing when used with \'lockcamera\')
    allammo 999 ammo and grenades
    [\c] or [\C] Any text following this code will change color. Only good for your name. Will work with above command. Exampe: Apocalypse [\C]TH6.
    fastweapons changes it so you can fire any weapon 15 times per second.
    FOV ## Field of view by number
    fly Fly Mode (Warning: Stays after reload of save game)
    allweapons Gives all weapons, though you can only carry 3 weapons simultaneously.
    god GOD Mode
    killpawns Kills everything except you (Can cause story problems)
    adminlogin [name] [password] logs in as admin
    adminlogout logs out as admin
    ghost No Clipping Mode (Warning: Stays after reload of save game)
    stat none Remove stats
    setname [Desired Name] Replace [Desired Name] with your name. This will change the name of your multiplayer profile to the given name. This is NOT permanent.
    stat all Shows all stats
    stat FPS Shows FPS
    stat net Shows network stats
    shot Take a screenshot
    walk Toggles Fly Mode off
    clark Turns off God Mod and no Clipping Mode.
    superman Turns on GOD mode and Ghost(ie no clipping).
    lockcamera Unlocks/Locks Camera (your character will walk around but you will still fire from your camera position)

    Contributed by: broadbander, apocalypseth6, laserDeadlock, thatguy57, joshuaali 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
In-Depth FAQs Beginner's Guide by CipherLynx 36K