Cheats & Guides

Super Soccer (1992) Cheats For Super Nintendo

  1. Give the opponent a red card.

    When the referee is approaching you to give you a yeallow card, hold L and R. He will still warn your player, but he'll also hand out a red card to the opponent you fouled.

    Contributed by: steamliner88 

  2. No Red Cards

    When the referee takes out a red card keep holding L and R and the game will act as if he gave you a yellow card.

    Contributed by: red soul 

  3. Play as same teams

    Choose a two player exhibition game. Player two chooses a team and uses the cheat to play as team Nintendo (press start+B) then player one chooses the team player two originally chose so both players occupy the same space. Now player two presses Y to cancel and now both players have the same team selected but they have different colors.

    Contributed by: Patralgan 

  4. Germany vs. Codes

    Effect Effect
    up, down-right, up, right, down-right, down-right, up, down-left Argentina
    right, right, right, up, right, down-right, down, up Brazil
    up, left, up, down, down-right, up-right, down, up-right Cameroon
    right, down-left, down, left, down-right, down, down, down Columbia
    up, up-right, down, right, up-right, up-right, down, up-right England
    up, down-left, right, right, down-right, left, down, up France
    right, down-left, down, left, right, down-left, down, down Holland
    right, down-left, down, left, down-right, right, up, up Ireland
    right, up-right, left, down, right, down-right, down, up Italy
    right, right, up, up, down-right, left, up, down Japan
    right, up-right, up, left, up-right, down-right, up, down-left Nintendo
    up, up-right, up, up, down-right, up-right, down, up-right Romania
    up, right, down, down, up-right, left, up, down U.S.A
    right, down-left, right, down, up-right, up, up, up Uruguay
    up, down-left, up, right, down-right, down, down, down Yugoslavia

    Contributed by: GorthaurtheCruel 

  5. Codes

    Effect Effect
    Up-Right (Diagonal), Down-Left, Right, Down, Down-Right, Left, Down-Left, Up-Left Expert Mode
    Choose a 2-player exhibition game and player 1 chooses any team first. Then player 2 selects any team, holding down B and START. Play as Nintendo team
    Select, Y, Right simultaneously on the title screen Sound Test
    Up-right, Up-left, Right, Down-left, Right, Right, Up, Right Watch computer game

    Contributed by: Retro, TheWildVortex, ironyisntdead, GorthaurtheCruel, Elwin Baltia 

  6. Team Ireland Passwords

    England R, DL, U, D, UR, DL, L, L
    France R, L, R, R, R, L, L, U
    Holland R, R, L, R, UR, DL, R, L
    USA R, UR, D, D, R, L, R, D
    Romania R, UR, R, L, UR, L, L, DL
    Japan U, DL, L, U, UR, R, L, DL
    Germany U, DL, U, R, DR, DR, R, R
    Brazil U, L, R, L, DR, UR, R, R
    Colombia U, R, D, L, U, U, L, D
    Nintendo U, R, D, L, U, UL, R, UR
    Uruguay U, R, R, D, DR, D, R, UR
    Argentina U, R, U, D, R, UL, R, UR
    Yugoslavia U, UR, L, R, UR, D, R, UR
    Italy U, UR, U, U, DR, UL, R, L
    Cameroon U, UR, U, U, R, UR, L, UR

    Contributed by: SewenNewes 

  7. Play as Romania

    Use these passwords to play as Romania in the Tournament

    Effect Effect
    UR, UR, DR, DL, UR, DL, D, DL Round 10 (England)
    UR, L, UL, DR, D, DL, D, U Round 11 (Holland)
    UR, UR, UL, UL, R, DL, D, U Round 12 (Brazil)
    UR, L, UR, UR, DR, UL, D, DL Round 13 (Italy)
    UR, DL, DL, DL, R, UL, D, U Round 14 (Argentina)
    UR, R, DR, DR, R, DR, UR, D Round 15 (Germany)
    UL, R, UL, UL, R, DR, UR, D Round 16 (Nintendo)
    UL, R, DR, DL, U, D, D, DL Round 2 (Uruguay)
    DR, DL, UR, DR, DL, D, U, U Round 3 (Yugoslavia)
    UL, L, DR, UL, D, U, D, UR Round 4 (Colombia)
    DR, UR, UR, UR, U, L, D, DL Round 5 (Japan)
    UL, R, UR, DL, U, L, D, DL Round 6 (U.S.A.)
    UR, R, DR, DR, DR, R, UR, D Round 7 (France)
    UR, DL, DR, UL, DL, L, UR, D Round 8 (Ireland)
    UR, L, UR, UR, DR, UR, U, DL Round 9 (Cameroon)

    Contributed by: Binta 

  8. Play as Yugoslavia

    Use these passwords to play as Yugoslavia in the Tournament

    Effect Effect
    UR, UR, L, DL, DR, UR, L, R Round 10 (England)
    UR, L, U, DR, DR, UR, R, R Round 11 (Holland)
    UR, DL, L, UL, DR, DL, L, R Round 12 (Brazil)
    UR, L, D, UR, UR, DR, L, R Round 13 (Italy)
    UL, R, D, DL, DR, DR, L, R Round 14 (Argentina)
    DR, DL, D, DR, R, UL, L, DL Round 15 (Germany)
    UR, UR, R, UL, U, DR, DR, UR Round 16 (Nintendo)
    UR, DL, U, DL, U, U, R, U Round 2 (Uruguay)
    DR, DL, L, DR, DR, D, L, DL Round 3 (Colombia)
    UL, L, L, UL, R, D, L, U Round 4 (Japan)
    UR, L, D, UR, UR, R, L, DL Round 5 (U.S.A.)
    UR, DL, U, DL, UR, L, L, DL Round 6 (France)
    UR, L, R, DR, R, R, DR, D Round 7 (Ireland)
    UL, L, L, UL, DR, R, DR, UR Round 8 (Romania)
    UR, L, L, UR, U, UR, L, DL Round 9 (Cameroon)

    Contributed by: Binta 

  9. Team Italy Tournament Passwords

    At Title Screen, choose ''Tournament'', then ''Continue'', then enter these directional pad codes:

    Effect Effect
    U, L, DR, D, DR, UL, D, DL To Play Argentina
    R, L, UR, U, R, DR, U, U To Play Brazil
    U, R, UL, D, U, DL, U, D To Play Cameroon
    R, DL, UR, L, D, U, D, DL To Play Columbia
    U, UR, UR, R, R, DL, D, D To Play England
    R, L, DL, R, D, R, U, DL To Play France
    R, L, DL, R, DL, DR, U, DL To Play Germany
    U, R, UR, L, R, DL, D, D To Play Holland
    R, UR, DL, L, DR, R, U, U To Play Ireland
    U, UR, DL, U, U, L, U, UR To Play Japan
    U, UR, DL, U, U, UR, D, D To Play Romania
    U, L, DR, D, DR, L, D, U To Play United States
    U, L, UR, D, DR, D, D, D To Play Uruguay
    R, L, DL, R, D, D, D, UR To Play Yugoslavia

    Contributed by: delafro 

  10. Team USA Tournament Passwords

    At the Title Screen select Tournament, then Continue.

    Effect Effect
    U, L, UR, D, R, DR, R, DL To Play Argentina
    U, R, DR, L, R, UR, R, DL To Play Brazil
    R, R, DL, U, U, UR, L, UR To Play Cameroon
    U, R, DR, L, R, U, R, U To Play Colombia
    R, UR, DL, D, UR, UR, R, R To Play England
    R, DL, DL, D, DR, R, R, DL To Play France
    U, UR, DR, R, DR, UL, L, R To Play Germany
    U, UR, UR, R, DL, DR, L, L To Play Holland
    U, UR, DL, R, R, L, L, U To Play Ireland
    R, L, DR, U, DR, UL, L, R To Play Italy
    R, L, UR, U, DL, R, R, DL To Play Japan
    U, L, DL, L, DL, DR, R, R To Play Nintendo
    R, UR, DL, L, DR, R, R, DL To Play Romania
    U, L, UR, D, R, D, L, D To Play Uruguay
    R, L, DL, R, D, D, L, D To Play Yugoslavia

    Contributed by: WolfSentinel 

  11. Team Holland Passwords

    The password screen is found by choosing 'Continue' on the main screen.

    Effect Effect
    DL R DR R DR UR D vs Argentina
    R DL R DL UL D D U vs Belgium
    R L L UR UR UL UR DL vs Brazil
    R L R DR DR DL D DL vs Cameron
    DL L UR U L UR DL vs Columbia
    R UR U UL U UR U U vs England
    L R UR R R UR UR vs France
    L U UL R UL D U vs Germany
    R L L UR U UR D U vs Ireland
    R UR D DL DR DR D DL vs Italy
    R UR L DL R L UR DL vs Japan
    R DL U DL UR UR U DL vs Romania
    R R L DR UL U D U vs Uruguay
    DL U DR R L D DL vs USA
    L U UL DR U U U vs Yugoslavia

    Contributed by: red soul 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides FAQ by DasonRise 32K
Full Game Guides FAQ by villanzUK 35K