Cheats & Guides

Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns Cheats For PC

  1. Message box codes

    Open Message Box and type in the following:

    Effect Effect
    free gold 500 Gold for Everyone
    there is no spoon Allow all units to be recruited.
    samurai dragon [city name] Create a dragon to protect your city.
    yeahbam 0 End mission as a Loss.
    yeahbam End mission in Victory
    hoody hoo Extra Production for Everyone
    speed it up Fast Build Times for Everyone
    griff shadow Increase Company Limit for Everyone
    feeling fine Restore all of your Morale.
    unpleasant dreams Start the Cataclysm
    i repent Stop the Cataclysm.
    show fog Toggle Fog

    Contributed by: akiRa009