Cheats & Guides

Escape Velocity (1996) Cheats For Macintosh

  1. Hidden Haikus

    At the title screen, press X. You should hear a klaxxon sound and see a bunch of small haikus.

    Contributed by: Teknogeek 

  2. EV Haikus

    Type ''X'' on the main screen, and EV style Haikus will pop up...enjoy!

    Contributed by: ZanarkandAbe 

  3. Get the Forklift

    Load a pilot file. Hold ''option'' and click the Escape Velocity title on the main screen When ''-MCB 4:35 A.M.'' scrolls into view, press and hold ''shift, control, option, command-f'' and the forklift will be given to the current pilot.

    Effect Effect
    Get the Forklift Load a pilot file. Hold ''option'' and click the Escape Velocity title on the main screen When ''-MCB 4:35 A.M.'' scrolls into view, press and hold ''shift, control, option, command-f'' and the forklift will be given to the current pilot.

    Contributed by: hand of g0d 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by AKishan 24K