Cheats & Guides

Drakengard Cheats For PlayStation 2

  1. A Jet For Sky Missions

    Upon finishing Chapter 13, when you go to do the Free Mission at Shinjuku, beat it and you will unlock the Jet. For Sky Missions, on the Dragon Select Menu, you should normally see Red Dragon Level 1, 2, 3 and Chaos Dragon. If you go one below Chaos Dragon{which means while you highlighting Chaos Dragon, just press down}, and you will be highlighting '???', select it and you will hear Manah's voices. After that, get on to the mission and you should be riding on a Jet. The Jet looks like, a Jet, unlike the Dragons you have been using and it's only available for Sky Missions.

    Contributed by: Kouli 

  2. Easy Weapon Leveling

    To level up weak weapons quickly, go to story mode, chapter 1, verse 2 (to the castle) on easy mode. Equip Spiked Wisdom, Butcher's Joy, or another weapon that's magic creates an aura around you that can quickly kill enemies. Charge up the magic meter, cast the spell, then quickly press/hold R2, switch weapons to the one you want to level up, and then run around at enemies. The aura will kill enemies for as long as it lasts while the kills go toward the currently equipped weapon. Once the aura runs out, just switch back and repeat.

    Contributed by: Azn Playah 

  3. Attack through walls

    During any ground mission if you see enemies on your radar on the other side of the wall, you can begin your run attack until you see the flash that you are going full speed. Then press the attack button to send your attack through the wall, killing the enemies on the other side.

    Contributed by: mikeellis 

  4. Alternate Endings

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Finish chapter 1 to 8. 1st Ending
    Unlock chapter 9 ( Withdraw 80% life of the Black Dragon in less than 4min20 in the chapter 7 verse 4). 2nd Ending
    In the chapter 9, finish the 3rd verse in less than 4min20. 3rd Ending
    Finish the 12 chapters and the 3 chapters of your companions. 4th Ending
    Recover the 65 weapons to unlock the 13rd chapter and finish it. 5th Ending

    Contributed by: sabinz 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Drakengard Addict 118K
In-Depth FAQs Endings/Allies Guide by Lifes End 15K
In-Depth FAQs File List/Game Script by Haruji Sora 103K
In-Depth FAQs Game Script by Shirokage 307K
In-Depth FAQs Song Lyrics by JonnyRam 3K
In-Depth FAQs Weapon Guide by JonnyRam 23K
In-Depth FAQs Weapon Guide by Masamune167 120K
In-Depth FAQs Weapon Unlocking/Boss FAQ by j_odonnell 42K

Drakengard Cheats For Mobile

  1. Secrets

    Upon reaching lvl 8 you'll unlock a bonus tip for the ps2 version. Once you've acquired around 1364 exp you'll unlock secret bonus 2 and Secret Mission 4

    Reach level 8 Bonus Tip 1
    Acquire an exp amount of around 1364 Bonus Tip 2
    Acquire an exp amount of around 1364 Secret Mission 4

    Contributed by: KOGFanstarks161