Cheats & Guides

Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge Cheats For Xbox

  1. Outhouse in Arixo

    In the Arixo Dessert, go to the place where you steal the mini-gyro for Carl. Fly farther beyond that, and you will see a mission action icon, only it's green instead of blue. Fly near it a press the action button, and Nathan will land his plane and walk into an outhouse! After a while, Nathan will exit the outhouse and get back into the plane.

    Contributed by: Black Ace 

  2. Button codes

    During gameplay, enter codes. A tone will confirm correct code.

    Effect Effect
    X, B, X, B, Black Extra Tokens (10)
    Y, X, B, Y, Black All planes Unlocked
    B, X, A, B, Black Big Time guns (1000 points damage per shot)
    A, Y, A, Y, Black cash money ($5000)
    Y, A, X, B, Black God-like mode
    X, B, A, X, Black Unlock Super Hard Difficulty

    Contributed by: MR MANIAC 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Maxo996 31K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Gundam MissleKnightX 149K
In-Depth FAQs Plane Guide by Gundam MissleKnightX 34K