Space invaders but more faster and better.

User Rating: 5.7 | Galaxian 2600
Galaxian is really Space Invaders but faster and more fun to play. Gameplay: (Arcade) 7/10 Like in Space Invaders you've got enemy ships above that you must destroy, but in Galaxin they don't keep moving down until they reach the ground, instead they attack you one by one until you shoot them all, but sometimes they will attack in groups letter on making it a little more difficult. Making it more fun to play than Invaders. Graphics: 4/10 The graphics are not much but they are better than those in Invader, there are same many of ships but they will actually move freely after you. Sound: 4/10 Sound is also better here, when the ship attack you they make sounds, this sound will also multiply when more than one attacks at the same time. Lifespan: 3/10 This is Galaxin's weakest point, all the levels are always the same, the enemies do get faster as you progress but that the only change, your place on the score board is deleted after resetting so there's no reason to play it for then, and is no multiplayer either. Final Word: 58% Galaxin is one of the better 2600 games, but it's age and lake of multiplayer make it really finding it. Back in 83 I would give it 87%, but it's age now make it 58%