Waste of money and if you haven't played it before one then you should just go die.

User Rating: 5 | Galaga NES
Honestly it's a huge waste of money. Sure it's galaga and that is a great game but why do you have to buy it. It's at your local pizza hut for a quarter. It isn't a bad game okay really it isn't it's just the fact that it's the same exact thing over and over again. Just stick to the arcade version it's the same thing. They should really add improvements to this one alright I mean some online high scores would be nice and co op would also be much appreciated. It doesn't have those though alright it's the same exact game and there is no reason what so ever to waste 5$ to play it. If i was you and you just had to have this game just buy it for the gbc and then you will be fine. So basically not a bad game just the same **** over and over and over again. Don't buy this game. I am also sorry if I offened anyone by saying the s word.