Forget WoW. Forget GW. Forget MK. GET FURIOUS!

User Rating: 10 | Fury (2007) PC
I've seen the typical MMO Fighting systems that are automated where you click to engaged and punch keys tied into special abilities. To name a few of the majors... World of Warcraft, Everquest and Guild Wars.
Lately I've been reading up on Fury and checking out videos which have said about it's fighting system, and now I've only just started to get my feet wet. Instead of Automated combat Fury let's you "Button Mash" the crap out of you adversaries, btw one of the promo videos show the classes look a lot like Mortal Kombat... Mind you Midway's hopes of making MK "The First" MMO "Button Masher" just got flushed because Auran beat them to it with Fury.
Another thing... Being an Aussie and finding out Fury is an "Australian Made" MMO... OH YEAH!
This game is so fast-paced with it's PVP action that it doesn't waste time "Muck-Assin' Around".
What I really love about Fury is that it caters for both "Fanatics" and "Weekend Warriors" alike with it's range of membership plans.

If you're looking to get into an action-packed MMO that doesn't waste mucking around...

Fury is the ticket!