You know...for once someone has correctly rated a bad game...avoid at all costs!!! Unless you like flimsy acrobatics

User Rating: 1 | Frank Herbert's Dune (Jewel Case) PC
Now then wot do we have here??? It seems to be really georgeous on the front and back cover...the screenshots seem pretty good....there are some good bullet points praising the status of the game.....ITS SUCH A BLOODY SHAME THAT THE GAME ITSELF IS A LOADA COBBLERS!!!!

True the graphics are quite good,but they do not "push the PS2 graphics engine to its limits....Soul Reaver 2 was released in the same year, yet look at that piece of art, and look at this dump of cow dung.....

I was thinking I would give it a fair try (you know, the same thing I done for Soul Reaver 2, which made me fall in love with it eventually)....but it just didnt click with me......the worst thing (that almost drove me to nausea) was every characters facial first I thought it was the lead characters mum who had had a face uplift and couldnt move it properly....but it seemed that all characters from the dozy dune bandwagon have been chewing on a wasp.......or a cactus, for that seems as if the nose and lip muscles are out of wonder people dont get wot they are on about.....AND THE BACK COVER SAID THE GAME WAS BEAUTIFUL TO PLAY.....Lord help us......

Now then....there are some really woerd characters to come across....they were so bloody daft and boring that I can only recall a few....there is that dozy super hero who is only 17 years old (who is skiving off college, when he should be sitting his A levels).....theres mommy dear who is a fast runner that her pathectic son....and then theres the sons 2 year old sister....who looks like she has been doped or is on a high after sniffing glue, but can actually walk like an adult (i dunno uif she could speak, coz I never got to that part, thankfully).... cant shoot properly....when u r out of ammo thats it, u r dead meat....but u cant even hit the oncoming enemy wots the bloody point eh??? The apparent kung-fu like knife stabs do do the trick, but only for a short while, until a acutley verbose foot soldier comes along and shoots some photons throughou your sweat-retaining tank top ( I know....disgusting.....and I thought binge-drinking vagabonds were smelly)...

I should have read the reviews before buying this waful pecie of trash...what a way to make your head go dizzy...and your money for that matter.....