this series has taken a wrong turn!

User Rating: 7.5 | Forza Motorsport 3 X360
ok first of all lets get the good stuff out of the way because i want to focus on where this game went wrong.the biggest and most welcome improvement is in the handling, you somehow feel more connected with the road and have more of a sense of grip. the visuals are stunning also although if you look close enough you can see and find some cracks. the career is massive and with the event list to work through i expect this game to take many months to fully complete. the menus are easy to navigate and kept simple which makes it welcoming to people new to the game. the paint section has been improved making designing a masterpiece easier. moving onto the storefront we come to perhaps the best the game has allowing the community to interact and share/sell engine set ups designs vinyls pictures or replays and its this love for the community that baffles me. forza is all about community, without it everyone else will have moved on within a few months and no one would be left playing so i really cant understand why they have ruined multiplayer open customisable lobbies from the game. so when you play ranked matches you can't change any options other than the class of car and wether you want to do circuit drag etc race types. the only way to customise lobbies is to do private matches whic you can only play with friends by invite. asked if they were going to add open lobbies in they said matchmaking was the future of online gaming. this is a big fail for me, in a year or two there will be no one playing because of this and the community that supports the franchise so much may finally have been killed off. this is the biggest dissapointment of the year for me. worth a rent but otherwise i feel ripped off.