Full to the top with Quality and content, this game beats any other racing game to date.

User Rating: 9.5 | Forza Motorsport 3 X360
Most people who are familiar with racing simulations know that most have something alike. Most games, however, include maybe 50-100 cars without that much attention to detail, but in Forza Motorsport 3, More then 500 cars are found in the Ultimate Edition and with Downloadable content packs, all with the same amount of detail. (Which is relatively high in this case) As for the racing experience goes, no other game can compare to the great handling model and the slight road-blurring that occurs at high speeds. With great interior and exterior views its hard to choose which one you want to race in. However, occasionally the AI feels a little "asleep" as one moment they might be leading the pack and the next you see them slam into a wall. Overall I am very impressed with the quality of the game and in my opinion, it has a very high replay value and a good future ahead of it, with immersive gameplay and an endless number of cars to collect, this really is the best racing game of this generation.