Hands Down , One of The Best Racing Games Ever!

User Rating: 9.5 | Forza Motorsport 3 X360
400+ Cars, 30+ Tracks, Great Extras, Great Online Features and Multiplayer -What else do you want from a racing game!

Career -

The career mode is long, rewarding, and fun! By completing races , you can unlock cars, vinyl designs and more!

The Cars -

Each and every car in the game has it's own look, design, and feel. The interior to all 400+ cars is different , and like the real-life thing! The design team at Turn10 really worked hard to make and design every car!

Multiplayer Community -

The multiplayer features in this game are limitless! You can share photos, movies, Buy other peoples cars and vinyls buy outbidding you opponent, and play online multiplayer with up to 7 other players, and guess what - It's Lag Free! YAY!

Presentation -

The graphics and sound are top-notch! Every car with it's own design and acceleration! I I thought I was actually driving a car! it's that real!

The Good -

400+ Cars, Great Level/Track Design, Career, Online Community, Sound/Graphics, Extras, Length.

Good/Bad -
