The State of the 360 - Opinions

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#1 tyuzfuny
Member since 2004 • 666 Posts

The Xbox 360. Over the past two years, this console has gone through many trials and tribulations, as well as many successes and accomplishments. Microsoft has done many things right over the course of the console's life this far but in other areas they have completely dropped the ball. If Microsoft could quit fooling around with showing flashes of brilliance in some areas, while screwing up in really ridiculous ways in other areas, they should be able to dominate the console war between themselves and Sony.

I really believe Microsoft has made great strides to advance their game library far above the place the original Xbox reached. They finally put their best efforts into breaking some of Sony's exclusive third party deals, and worked on making a few of their own. Grand Theft Auto IV, although I am opposed to the franchise, could have easily propelled the PS3 well past the currently impressive figures the 360 has shown, even with a timed-exclusive. The fact that Microsoft went above and beyond to spend $50 million on exclusive downloadable content makes evident the fact that they aren't playing around. Microsoft wants the superior version of GTA on their console, expecting the fanboys to follow the yellow brick road of Grand Theft goodness all the way to their console. I would even say breaking the Assassin's Creed exclusivity deal was a crucial move, as there was a good chance the visual powerhouse could have swayed some people in favor of the big, juicy Blu-Ray player in Sony's camp.

Another thing Microsoft has continued to do right is the Live service. Using the original Xbox as a training ground, Microsoft has really seemed to pushed its online service further to deliver what is by far the strongest online component of the three consoles. Everything from in-game guide blades, to the Video Marketplace, to the Live Arcade service, everything seems to be very polished and well thought-out. Now with the XNA initiative on the horizon, plus the upcoming spring update, it seems that Microsoft is pushing to relentlessly keep its service the far-and-away favorite of this generation.

Although this things are all well and good, the Xbox 360 isn't all well and good at the moment. They continue to struggle in the "Land of the Rising Sun" as there console continues to be a non-factor there. I can't blame this completely on Microsoft, though, as they could have easily thrown in the towel by now, by they are persistent. Releasing Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata and Blue Dragon was there attempt at really grabbing the Asian market, and although Lost Odyssey did reasonably well, it was nowhere near enough to grab a reasonable market share.

As I previously mentioned, I find the Live service to be the definitive online infrastructure for consoles, but I think it could see some definite improvements. First off, Live needs to be free. I don't believe that they can't make the money back that they are charging for Live in other ways. I believe this is really holding back their potential market, as many casual gamers are intimidated by the concept of "Pay-to-Play." I also find paying for their service ridiculous since we are still being shown advertisements of non-Microsoft products when navigating the marketplace, which is inexcusable in my opinion. I also believe that rolling out dedicated servers for the big titles (That's right Halo, you could have had servers dedicated just for you!) as opposed to using peer hosting would be a wise choice. At this point, Frontlines is the only game to be hosting their own servers, and for the most part, it seems to be a success. Over in Sony land, the PS3 seems to be thriving using dedicated servers for games like Warhawk and Unreal Tournament III.

Another problem I see Microsoft suffering from is the hardware itself. First off, there are too many models on store shelves. They need to get rid of the Halo 3 limited edition (it's a limited edition for a reason), and get rid of the Pro/Premium console (or whatever it's called now.) I believe going forward, they will continue to confuse the casual market, as there are so many choices to pick from. I believe having the Elite for the "true gamers" and the Arcade for the casual market will give them the best chance of reaching the main demographics, while keeping store shelves uncluttered of the myriad of models available.

The list of Microsoft problems doesn't end there. There is the ever-frustrating issue of the Red Ring of Death that is most certainly scaring people away. There is the fact that Microsoft continues to screw-over the early adopters by charging unfair amounts for the standalone 120 GB Hard Drive. There is also a problem, that won't be easy to fix, which is the fact that the Xbox 360 does not contain a Blu-Ray player. There standalone HD-DVD player is now obviously useless, and I believe the lack of a Blu-Ray player will hurt them. "Oh, but we have the Video Marketplace available to the consumers!" Ya, that's great and all, but most of the people vouchhing for that will be the early adopters, and when an HD movie takes up 5GB of space, the 20GB Hard Drive that they've been stuck with gets a little crowded.

In the end, though, I'm still supporting what Microsoft is doing. They have put pressure on Sony to actually create a proper online service, and they have really given the gamers what they want: A strong library of games. As time goes on, I believe the console will continue to expand the market, and if the rumor of a Wii Remote-like controller on the horizon, I believe they will have finally have a way to compete with Nintendo.

Anyways, that's my opinon of the 360... what do you guys think? Agree/Disagree with anything?

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#2 ag3ntz3rox0x
Member since 2007 • 1534 Posts
i agree with most of it, i personally think the 360 is going no where. im getting into pc gaming myself. im very sick of the rrod. very very very sick of it.
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#3 XxAnubisxX
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But they should come out with more than just GoW and Ninja Gaiden as exclusives for me to come back to... because I have my 360 with me now that I have settled down into my own place since the past 7 months I was traveling all over and I noticed I haven't missed anything...

And other than Ninja Gaiden I don't have much else that I have noticed to look forward too... and I guess GoW2 if thats this year...

But Ps3 has a lot on the menu this year and I've been keeping up with that far more than my 360 lately... and as for my wii... well, haven't heard much from it lately either... my ps3 currently rules the throne with the wii in second with Smash Bro's and it's dynamic features

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#4 tyuzfuny
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But they should come out with more than just GoW and Ninja Gaiden as exclusives for me to come back to... because I have my 360 with me now that I have settled down into my own place since the past 7 months I was traveling all over and I noticed I haven't missed anything...

And other than Ninja Gaiden I don't have much else that I have noticed to look forward too... and I guess GoW2 if thats this year...

But Ps3 has a lot on the menu this year and I've been keeping up with that far more than my 360 lately... and as for my wii... well, haven't heard much from it lately either... my ps3 currently rules the throne with the wii in second with Smash Bro's and it's dynamic features


Ya, it seems like Microsoft really needs to get some depth into their portfolio looking forward... Buying Rare really wasn't what they needed... Last time I checked, Viva Pinata didn't move many consoles, and the sequel likely won't do much better.

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#5 SaintJimmmy
Member since 2007 • 2815 Posts

i agree with most of it, i personally think the 360 is going no where. im getting into pc gaming myself. im very sick of the rrod. very very very sick of it.ag3ntz3rox0x

That happened to me months ago got sick of rrod went to pc gaming months later came back to the 360 cause of the high price of getting a good rig

i still PC game but only the games that have resonable system req (CSS,BF2,TF2,etc.)

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#6 tyuzfuny
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Any other opinions out there?
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#7 RababaWinner
Member since 2003 • 161 Posts

Good thread.

After all the news out of Microsoft Gamer's Day, I'm really feeling better and better about my 360. The Fall is loaded with great titles and exclusives Fable 2, and Too Human haven't been mentioned yet on this thread, but I think they'll be console movers (Fable 2 at least). GoW2... athough honestly I don't know if I'm down for the Gears sequel. Fallout 3, Left 4 Dead, Dead Space aren't exclusives but they're going to be great and all 360 bound.

Additionally, the 360 will be seeing console exclusive rights to Age of Conan coming this Fall. My biggest hope is that MS is able to get some of its promised MMO content out (i.e. Age of Conan, Champions Online, the rumored Warhammer Online, and Huxley) I think these titles will help to make or break our beloved 360's over the next few years. If MS can get these kinds of titles running, and running smoothly, and overcome all the interface hurdles that come with a Console MMO then the 360 will have a bright future. Without this kind of expansion however, I'm afraid that MS will lose this generation's console wars if it's only able to successfully bring shooters (which are of amazing quality), racing and sports titles. MMO's and RPG's need to be better represented on the Green Machine, and I hope MS can make it all happen.

I'm hopefully optomisitc about the 360, another great innovation would be mouse/keyboard support for RTS titles, and the aforementioned MMO's. The system is great, stable, and Xbox Live is tremendous... though sadly not free. I don't know why MS won't make the minor additions it would take to be a more inclusive gaming platform. This is MS afterall, they've gotta get a mouse/keyboard in for this generation.

Cheers all.

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#8 tyuzfuny
Member since 2004 • 666 Posts

Good thread.

After all the news out of Microsoft Gamer's Day, I'm really feeling better and better about my 360. The Fall is loaded with great titles and exclusives Fable 2, and Too Human haven't been mentioned yet on this thread, but I think they'll be console movers (Fable 2 at least). GoW2... athough honestly I don't know if I'm down for the Gears sequel. Fallout 3, Left 4 Dead, Dead Space aren't exclusives but they're going to be great and all 360 bound.

Additionally, the 360 will be seeing console exclusive rights to Age of Conan coming this Fall. My biggest hope is that MS is able to get some of its promised MMO content out (i.e. Age of Conan, Champions Online, the rumored Warhammer Online, and Huxley) I think these titles will help to make or break our beloved 360's over the next few years. If MS can get these kinds of titles running, and running smoothly, and overcome all the interface hurdles that come with a Console MMO then the 360 will have a bright future. Without this kind of expansion however, I'm afraid that MS will lose this generation's console wars if it's only able to successfully bring shooters (which are of amazing quality), racing and sports titles. MMO's and RPG's need to be better represented on the Green Machine, and I hope MS can make it all happen.

I'm hopefully optomisitc about the 360, another great innovation would be mouse/keyboard support for RTS titles, and the aforementioned MMO's. The system is great, stable, and Xbox Live is tremendous... though sadly not free. I don't know why MS won't make the minor additions it would take to be a more inclusive gaming platform. This is MS afterall, they've gotta get a mouse/keyboard in for this generation.

Cheers all.


You have some interesting opinions...

First off, I really don't see Too Human moving consoles... it received too much hype early on, and now, regardless of where it's at, it's suffering from the inverse effect; people see it as a pretty weak-sauce title that's taken too long to come out.

I do agree with Fable 2 and Gears 2 moving consoles, though, as they are both key Microsoft franchises at this point... and why aren't you for a Gears sequel right now?

I see Microsoft struggeling to get more open-ended MMO's working on their console, as the Live is such a restricted service. Ya, I realize FFXI and PSU made it to the 360, but those haven't exactly been success' have they? No, it's gonna take something like Huxley, or (the now dead) Marvel MMO. I totally agree with you, as the MMO's really could shape Microsoft's future.

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#9 vashkey
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I mostly agree with what you had to say. They really need to clean up this red ring mess up for good, they've really screwed up in Japan, which I think may eventually cost them their place in the console wars(currently second place) and they really should make live free.

But Im glad they've given u the best games this gen has to offer.

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#10 kozzy1234
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360 is a great system and perfect to go with my awesome PC :D
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#11 gatsbythepig
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Very interesting but I have to disagree with a small portion.
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#12 Ravi_1900
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I dont think its going anywhere RROD is main reason for its lower sales now. But RROD is decreasing for sure and the sales have not went down and I really dont like the PS3 line up I mean there is only MGS4 this year which is a major game and Resistance 2 but its very standard and the publicity abt 60 player online is not gonna make it much better. I mean I dont think its a sort of game that will get 9.5. LBP and Motostorm 2 are there other than that. Haze is also there but I dont think its AAA.

But on 360 there are more things now. SC5, Gears 2, Fable2, Too Humans, NG2, BK3 and so on. All of them are good one. So thats why I can say that 360 will gain market soon as soon as NG2 drops and these games drop one by one.

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#13 tylerdurden2621
Member since 2006 • 704 Posts
I just can't bring myself to read all of that. I will just say I have all three consoles and I barely play anything other than my 360.
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#14 Shas02
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June will be a good month for 360.
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#15 tyuzfuny
Member since 2004 • 666 Posts

Very interesting but I have to disagree with a small portion.gatsbythepig

What do you disagree with?

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#16 RababaWinner
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I see your point about Too Human. You're right that the development cycle, premature showings, and attrocious public relations/marketing may have doomed this title's commercial success. It's been scaled back to a 2 player co-op too... which doesn't help when they've been promising a 4 player rpg. That was really a disappointing announcement.

As to GoW2, I enjoyed Gears particulalry the co-op... it's always more fun to play with others. That being said, the online community for GoW was, in my experience, awful. In addition to the community being bad and over run with glitchers. It was a broken experience (i.e. the host shotgun advantage, though I haven't played it in months so it may have been patched). I'm a lover of competitive online shooters too (currently I'm hooked on Team Fortress 2, thus the Demoman picture), but the GoW experience is just soured for me. I may pick it up in the distant future for some co-op fun, but that'll be about it.

PSU and FFXI are okay first steps like you said, but I agree completely that they're no where near the open world MMO that PC gamers have been enjoying. I think that the cancelled Marvel MMO has now become Champions Online, which is being developed for both PC and 360 by the same people who did City of Heroes/Villans... so that's promising news, assuming of course it's released.

Hopefully the Spring Update will give us a better hint too as to the direction MS is going. One rumor is that they may allow gamers the "option" of using harddrive space for a game install. Apparently, this will help with pop-ins (which honestly don't bother me too much) and would certainly help MMO developers.

Cheers all

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#17 Palantas
Member since 2002 • 15329 Posts

That's an impressive post. Good work.

I also believe that rolling out dedicated servers for the big titles (That's right Halo, you could have had servers dedicated just for you!) as opposed to using peer hosting would be a wise choice.


Totally, totally agree here. PC shooters have had dedicated servers going back how long?

There is the ever-frustrating issue of the Red Ring of Death that is most certainly scaring people away.


I can't see this being much of an issue in the casual market, which is becoming more of a big deal in the gaming world. I think if you asked most casual gamers about "red ring of death," you'd get a strange look in reply.

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#18 Sins-of-Mosin
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I don't think Live Gold needs to be free but if you have a Gold, some stuff should be free to download. I really like Live. The free demos and the arcade trials are great. I think it's lame that you have to pay for a music video thats not even in HD.

I don't mind the three main sku's myself. If you want to remove the premium then you better make the elite under $400 and give the arcade a 20g hd. Pretty much the 20g and 120g hd's cost way too much. A simple check on newegg will show you that a 120g hd is going for $45 but then you could get a 160g for the same price. So, the markup on that is very unfair to the gamers.

I've had a DS since August 2007 and I'm getting pretty tired of *** games. With all the text boxes and confusing gameplay, I'm ready for games made for the NA/EU audience. Maybe I'm just burned out on them but the 360 games seem so refreash to be actually doing something instead of hearing about everyone's feelings.

Sadly, the 360's legacy will always have that RROD but they've gotten better. I'm not really afraid of it but thats mostly because of my replacement warranty. I could care less about the blu-ray. I don't think it justifys paying a lot more for a console. Thou, it worked out for the PS3 because thats the only selling point for that movie player. I have no problem swapping out a dvd when I'm half way thru a game. Are we that lazy?

In regards to going to the PC as your main game machine.. hahahaha. You'll have to spend quite a bit for a setup that can run today's game fine but will have problem's with next years game. If you want to play PC games at their fullest, you'll need to have money to burn. And I hope you like the few quality games that come out a year because it's getting fewer and fewer. I'm still a hardcore PC gamer but I know how it is and I know the future is better with a console.

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#19 Large_Soda
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Good post!

I think Microsoft tackles the 360 like they do everything else their name touches: Half-assed.

They released the Zune, only to abandon the Plays For Sure motto with Media Player, so if anyone filled their library with music bought from that service wanted to then transfer it to a Zune, they were SOL. Then they released a Zune Marketplace, but that does not integrate with the Live Marketplace, which is very stupid. You should be able to subscribe to their $14.95 service for unlimited MP3s and be able to access that catalog in the 360 and use it as soundtracks for games. Same goes for TV shows.

They keep showing signs of promise/brilliance, but then muck it up and that is hurting them.

All in all I feel the 360 is the best system, but I am one RRoD away from abandoning that frame of mind.

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#20 tyuzfuny
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I see your point about Too Human. You're right that the development cycle, premature showings, and attrocious public relations/marketing may have doomed this title's commercial success. It's been scaled back to a 2 player co-op too... which doesn't help when they've been promising a 4 player rpg. That was really a disappointing announcement.

As to GoW2, I enjoyed Gears particulalry the co-op... it's always more fun to play with others. That being said, the online community for GoW was, in my experience, awful. In addition to the community being bad and over run with glitchers. It was a broken experience (i.e. the host shotgun advantage, though I haven't played it in months so it may have been patched). I'm a lover of competitive online shooters too (currently I'm hooked on Team Fortress 2, thus the Demoman picture), but the GoW experience is just soured for me. I may pick it up in the distant future for some co-op fun, but that'll be about it.

PSU and FFXI are okay first steps like you said, but I agree completely that they're no where near the open world MMO that PC gamers have been enjoying. I think that the cancelled Marvel MMO has now become Champions Online, which is being developed for both PC and 360 by the same people who did City of Heroes/Villans... so that's promising news, assuming of course it's released.

Hopefully the Spring Update will give us a better hint too as to the direction MS is going. One rumor is that they may allow gamers the "option" of using harddrive space for a game install. Apparently, this will help with pop-ins (which honestly don't bother me too much) and would certainly help MMO developers.

Cheers all


Ya, I really think Too Human's final kiss of death for the hardcore crowd was the announcement of 2 player co-op, I agree. I've heard that some of the previewers seeing the more recent builds have come away impressed, but the damage has been done.

I agree, Gears had some troublesome multiplayer... I was actually just playing it last night, though, and many of the problems have been fixed. I really think that the fact that Epic is willing to work hard to make the community happy (Free DLC, ongoing updates) is going to pay really strong dividends in Gears 2.

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#21 xxxMoreBeerxxx
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IMO the 360 has already won this console generation.

The Wii might be selling like hot cakes but the quantity of quality games does not come close to 360's library. Everyone knows that Nintendo produces 99% of the AAA games for their consoles, and a game or two a year is simply not enough for the hardcore video game fan. Additionally the graphics on the Wii are already looking outdated and the wii mote control just feels gimmicky and unneccessary for most games.

The PS3 stumpled mightly from the start and continues to faulter. Sure some big games are coming out this year such as MGS4, Resistance2, LBP but these games will not be able to move enough systems to overcome 360 lead. The PS3 will always be higher priced than the 360 because of the BluRay player. Because of this many people looking to pick up a console in a few years will choose the cheaper 360 with the larger install base. Don't let Sony fool you either with this 10 year console b.s. When MS releases their next console Sony will be right there with them.

And just to let you know I have all three systems.