The complete Far cry 2 survival guide: Part 1 stealth for the insane.

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#1 2Demonic
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Intro: This is part one of a multi-part thread all about the world of Far Cry 2 the epic open world 1st. person shooter. I enjoyed the game alot because of the elements most people hate it for. Well, you to can enjoy it as well because I'm going to teach you how to love guard posts and heavy gun play at any and all times! You'll love it. There will be fresh waffles (no not really). I WOULD recommend it. Part1 - Stealth for the insane. Yes, yes, Stealth gameplay. Not something you would expect after your first few minutes in Far Cry 2 but, it can be done. Easily! The loadout: your weapons loadout is the most important thing for stealth gameplay to work and be fun. So let's go over that! Primary Weapon - Mp5 Silenced or Silenced shotgun required no exceptions. (Silenced shotgun Fortune's Pack DLC only) Secondary Weapon - Silenced Makarov Pistol. Another Must. Only costs 6 diamonds and is powerful in a unique way I will explain later. Special Weapon - Dart Rifle, Dart Rifle and more Dart Rifle! You just have to have it. There are no substitutes. Machete - Right. Don't use it as enemies hit by it make far to many moans groans and yells. Ignore it. Other - Try to have the Camo Suit for day time stealth. You cannot partake in stealth gameplay at day without it. And at night, you make a real predator... OK, Loadout aside it's tme to discuss the mechanics of stealth in this game. Time of Day: First off, darkness is your best friend. Learn to hibernate and sleep in the day and time your bus trips so you will arrive at objective zones at night. The time for optimal darkness and enemy laziness (low alert level/sitting around) is 12:30 A.M. Sleep at a nearby safe house or, since taking a bus takes four game hours, set your watch to 8:30 P.M. Then take the bus to your location. Scouting a Location: Always approach a location from the grass and if you need to move by vehicle, shoot both it's headlights out first. Approach from the grass whilst squatting down up close and standing but staying away from roads at a distance. First stay far away from your objective. Don't do this for every guard post on the way just go around those. Now observe the area through the scope of your dart rifle. Try to think if you remember a patrol in the area as you will want to take these out first. After sniping any patrols (gunner then driver). Proceed to locate any visible troops at your objective. Once you have a good grip on the location of everything important your ready to move on. Hitting a Location: Now you will want to stay as far away as possible and shoot someone with your dart rifle. Hit the chest as the dart rifle is a guaranteed 1-hit kill. If you miss abort and run far away as missing almost always sets off the hornets nest because the would-be lifeless body alerts the others he's been shot at. Now take 1 shot and get a kill. Don't! disengage the scope to reload keep watch on enemy activity as they could have hopped in a car. If the other enemies didn't notice take 1 more kill then move to a new location about 100 feet (30 meters) away from the original Don't move forward!. Take another shot, (or two depending on enemy activity.) Now, rinse and repeat until there are no more visible enemies. Now approach the camp slowly crouching keeping your dart rifle drawn as enemies could have fanned out looking for you. once you are within 70 feet (20 meters) draw your Mp5/Silenced Shotgun. If you don't bump in to anyone and you get basically into the objective are/outpost draw your pistol. Now as I mentioned earlier, here is where the pistol becomes powerful in it's own way. Headshots. The Makarov has supremely tiny ironsights. Which is good because you know you have a 1-hit kill headshot lined up compared to the Mp5 where the ironsight is so large it's painful guessing if you will land a headshot or a ticket to game over. Kill anyone remaining with the makarov and anyone too far away for comfort with controlled bursts from the Mp5 or a silenced shotgun blast . Now proceed carefully around the area and make sure everyone is dead. Once done you are free to scout the area for supplies. Gratz man you just stealthed it! Part 2 - LeadHead/ExplosionMaster Not a stealth guy? I understand. So... IT'S TIME TO BLOW SOMETHING UP!! Or... Just go Rambo style with tons of lead flying! Time of Day: FOr both sections below, it doesn't matter although night is STILL recommended for this strategy. The Loadout: Here you have a LOT more flexibility but I'll be glad to make suggestions. Primary - Any assault rifle or shotgun you are good with or can afford. I recommend an AK-47 for it's reliability and easy to find ammo. Buy the accuracy upgrade. Secondary - No doubt an SMG, an Uzi or MAC10 will suit you fine but buy the bandolier for it. Maybe the reliability upgrade to. Special - Light MG, M249 SAW or, my choice, the reliable PKM. Buy the accuracy Upgrade and Bandolier. Machete - Use as needed. Scouting a Location: If you see it you've scouted it! Hitting a Location: Not much strategy you think? Well, no. But hat little strategy there is I will explain along with some tips. First off, don't stop to engage guard posts. Find an assault truck and spin the turret around backwards. Now run through the guard post running over as many people as possible. Now at about 20 feet (7 Meters) away from the guard post man the turret (Default C on PC A on Xbox and X on PS3). Now mow down any remaining resistance with the MG/GL. If enemies followed you in a truck KILL THEM!! Assassinations/Objectives: Run in as close as possible with an assault truck TURRET FORWARD. Now man the gun But, DO NOT STOP COAST FORWARD! This will make you harder to hit. Mow any resistance then step out take cover and finish off your target. Also: Grab a medkit upgrade as you will take the most damage with this strategy. ExplosionMaster: Simple enough, Make things go boom! The Loadout: Pretty standard try some different options to suit your play style. Primary: MGL 140 or a sniper rifle. Buy the Bandolier for the MGL and the reliability upgrade for the sniper. Secondary: IED's or M79. M79 if your first choice is the sniper IED's if your first is the MGL. Buy the Bandolier for the M79. Special: Carl G Rocket System (recommended) or RPG. Buy the reliability upgrade and bandolier for both. Machete - Use as needed. Scouting a Location: Keep your distance and identify explosive objects besides vehicles. If you chose the sniper Hit these after the first step in the Hitting a Location section below. If you chose the MGL, same as being a LeadHead if you see your target location you've scouted it. Hitting a Location: Now at a distance take out your Carl G or RPG. Fire the RPG directly at your target area and watch for patrols to blow up (Extra Points)! Now with the Carl G scope in and shoot the rocket at about a 45 degree angle up (given you aren't noticed) now stay scoped in and as the rocket approaches the target are move the scope in to guide it to the target (this is how the Carl G works it's a T.O.W. missile system). Now your causing some grief! After 2-3 RPG shots and 1-2 effective Carl G shots grab your car and move in. Finish the rest off with the MGL 140 or M79. IED's can be used to guard the road near you whilst shooting your Carl G you can also sneak up and plant IED's the run off to a safe range then detonate them then continue to give them grief from your grenade launcher! Also try to buy all the bandoliers for this strategy if you wish for an extended stay in the land. And don't forget the grenade webbing. I hope you already know but I will say it. THROW GRENADES AT EVERYTHING IN RANGE THAT NEEDS A GOOD BLOWING UP!!! (i.e. Everything human shaped!) Assassinations/Objectives: Just get in close and blow them up but first try the Carl G/RPG strategy at range. Also snipe the explosives nearby if you chose the sniper. REMEMBER: Snipe the remaining explosives AFTER a Carl G or RPG bombardment. I still recommend the MGL 140 over the Sniper ANY DAY! Part 3 - The Balanced Soldier Coming soon!
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#2 DeadSarow
Member since 2009 • 493 Posts

Hehe interesting. I always just loved sniping.:P

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#3 chaoscougar1
Member since 2005 • 37603 Posts
this is more of a blog post than something for forums
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#4 2Demonic
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts
this is more of a blog post than something for forumschaoscougar1
I suppose, but I did want to share it with the forums for comments and constructive criticism.
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#5 gta4_2112
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