Games too Easy these days...

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#2 Jaysonguy
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You're really confused as why you're better at things as an adult then you were as a child?

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#3 Mr_arizona
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Developers need to find a balance between fun a challenging. Little Billy is not going to want to buy a game he played at a friends house if it's frustrating difficult. So most games tend to be easier these days.

1 thing I hate is how easy vs hard mode is exactly the same just with less room for error. It plays out 95% the same in each spot except enemy A now has X more health and does X more damage and is deadly accurate. I wish companies would increase the challenge on different difficulties and not just make them powerful tanks and call it good.

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#5 Flamingpostman
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Haha youre right man! there isnt much of a challenge to any games. i remember playing long ass boss fights and dieing on the last bit of health and having to reset. And now boss battles are just hack and slash until hes dead. Dark souls is the only challenging game ive played recently.

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#6 finalserenade75
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I actually did notice the same thing, but you gotta understand that games are not as scarce as they used to be. This means that many people usually have more than one game at a time they're trying to finish, and so nobody wants to dedicate many hours for one single difficult game (there are excpetions, but few). Not to mention that a huge portion of the market is becoming casual gamers, frankly I used to like challenge myself but lately I've been playing games on easy mode because I have very few hours to spend on gaming and I want to enjoy those hours, not see my character die.

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#7 mark1982
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We have it easy when it comes to games these days I suppose. I'm glad I didn't sell off all my old cartridges so I can re-live extreme difficulty in 8-bit goodness.
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#8 ps2forever
Member since 2004 • 580 Posts
We have it easy when it comes to games these days I suppose. I'm glad I didn't sell off all my old cartridges so I can re-live extreme difficulty in 8-bit goodness.mark1982
That's a great point man, I still have mine too lol. when our gaming world step into that NEXT Generation of gaming it was all nothing but super powered consoles, and crazy " GRAPHICS". The level of difficulty and a solid base of a game has tilted south a bit. I really like the addition of Achievements to unlock, that really add to the level of difficulty and complexity of the game. Nonetheless, there are rumors on the next generation of consoles that will make it's way here soon. Hopefully, with the next game systems they can focus more on the difficulty , and better story. Not just lush graphics but nothing much to explore. As for gamers, we've asked for great graphics all the time. And as developers they try to feed us with great graphics, and in the process of doing that they lost the essence of what a great game is about. I'm glad there are games like oblivion, uncharted, gears of war, etc. those games are absolutely amazing.
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#9 Drakebunny
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Games needed to be harder back in the day. I remember a lot of the games being short, so if you weren't dying a lot, you'd beat the game in an hour or 2. The difficulty adds length.
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#10 BFKZ
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I strongly agree with you. These days since gaming has become this big an industry, they try to attract everyone with their games. Before, they really targeted a small amount of people and they didnt care about the majority as long as the they made the game and someone played it. making games tough will only cause a loss, but of course there are still some companies that live off the difficulty their games offer. examples would be, Dark Souls, Demon Souls, ninja gaiden, (hope the new one is as tough or even tougher than the last). and some games are only tough on a certain difficulty, such as deadspace 2 on hardcore. but most are even easy on their highest difficulty and dont produce much of a challenge for hardcore gamers. Still, this is looking to be an eventful year with all these new games coming, unless the world ends ofcourse.
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#11 RoslindaleOne
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Games are a lot harder to play now, though. Sure for us it's simple, but my sister who used to play NES with me as kids could not comprehend how to play Call of Duty or Halo with the dual analog sticks and extra buttons. Games have become more complicated over the years, but we've adapted to it.
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#12 Zumzier
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I think the reason they have made some of the games easier is because developers are mainly focusing on Multiplayer aspects of a game, where other people make the challenge. I mean why make a game like CoDs compaign hard, when the multiplayer is what everyone plays.

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#13 mark1982
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Multiplayer player aside, games like God of War, DMC or the latest Castlevania, games that focus more on the Single player campaigns. Even Skyrim or Fallout 3 are easier than what was released in the past.

Multiplayer games are on a whole different level, difficulty is based on how skilled the other players are. I'm not a CoD player, but I'm more of a Street Fighter MP player, so difficulty is based on how well your opponent is, which is a good thing.

But I believe there is still a huge amount of gamers out there who don't play games for Multiplayer, a lot of games out there are singleplayer based. I mean, look at the candidates for Best Games of the year: Batman, Skyrim, Witcher 2, Uncharted 3, all single player driven games. Yes, Uncharted 3 has MP but the main focus is the SP campaign.

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#14 Vari3ty
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Whenever I hear people complain about games being too easy, I wonder why they don't turn the difficulty up.

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#15 mark1982
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Whenever I hear people complain about games being too easy, I wonder why they don't turn the difficulty up.


That's what I do, and it's still easier than before... Perfect example, Shadows of the Damned, good game? yes... once I set the difficulty to the hardest, not as hard as expected. You figured that a setting as "BRUTAL" will be hard... BRUTAL is dying and starting all the way from the beginning.

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#16 Smileyvirus
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There's a lot to be said about Rose tinted specs. I've been gaming for about 22 years and old games =\= new games for difficulty.
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#17 wolfbm
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I post this same topic on my blog "Maybe I'm getting old" and I completely agree that comparing the old school games to games today is amazing. Playing the games today on hard level is nothing compared to what the games of yore were. I still go back and play the classics of my childhood and after playing todays games I suck at them. As you mentioned Ghosts N' Goblins and metroid I to this day still can't get past the first level. A lot of what we find with games today is children of the 80's (such as myself) are now grown,married,and have kids and developers seem to be catering to our demographic where we no longer can devote a ton of time into games as we did as kids.
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#18 spec78
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I agree that games are easier than they used to be, but I still enjoy playing them just as much as I did when I was a kid. Surely that's what it's all about? Do you really want to return to the days when you are throwing controllers at the wall out of sheer frustration?

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Member since 2006 • 12901 Posts
Games from back in the day were more bad design than difficult in my opinion, like finding a secret block that you had no way in earth of knowing about was just stupid.
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#20 TheMikeyjr88
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There's still some pretty difficult boss battles for the newer games. RAAM from Gears of War 1 was one of the hardest boss battles I had ever come across. After about 50 times, I finally got lucky.
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#21 3dfd
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Meh, I think games are perfect if they have different difficultyies.

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#22 tjricardo089
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Easy and short. I finished GTA IV in 2 days (about 8-10 hours of gameplay).

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#23 Mistwaver1985
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I don't feel they're necessarily easy, but I find that video games just suck these days, and with each year they're getting worse and worse. My Wii and PS3 just collect dust now, and my Xbox 360 serves as nothing besides a media box that streams from my computer. It's really sad, because all this power just going to waste.

Games used to have great replay value, amazing gameplay, and compelling stories. Now developers just throw **** togeother to get a quick buck in their pocket. I've yet to play a game in the last 10 years that hit me like Metal Gear Solid 2 did. I've played maybe 3 decent games in the last 3 years. It's just awful, because I love games, but the direction games are going in just suck. BTW, it's a miracle to see a game that has a campaign longer than 6 hours these days.

I remember when games had an epic 20-40 hour story, now there's not even a handful of games that even have a campaign longer than 10 hours. Really sad.

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#24 firefox59
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There are way too many of these threads. Games 'back in the day' used to seem more difficult because of various reasons. Graphical representation on the screen was not accurate as to what the game was reading, hit box and hit detection were terrible, etc. Today, yes, some games are more linear but that doesn't make them easier. Game design has evolved with the times, just enjoy them and stop complaining.

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#26 N1K0LA191
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I really don't think games are too easy these days, there are just a lot of customization options for each game to up the difficulty. Yes certain game series have gameplay that seems relatively simple with no difficulty options (i.e. Assassin's Creed) but they are backed by incredible story lines and have players hooked to the story. If you want a really really challenging game, like break your console/other items around, you could definitely try out Demon Souls and Dark Souls. Two very very difficult but rewarding games.

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#27 N1K0LA191
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By the way Mark, what is it you do in the Gaming Industry? I would love to get into the gaming industry but am still unsure of what college courses to be taking or what major to be focusing on to get into it.

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#28 mark1982
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By the way Mark, what is it you do in the Gaming Industry? I would love to get into the gaming industry but am still unsure of what college courses to be taking or what major to be focusing on to get into it.


I'm a senior creative designer for a gaming publication and distribution company. We do a monthly gaming magazine, social media, so on. And we distribute various games to the retailers and design up the shops with all the wall/floor decals, posters, standees, etc. based on latest releases.

I suppose if you're aiming to work in the industry, there is plenty of positions, sales, design, marketing, business development, media events or coverage, journalist. Either you're in the production aspect (design/writer) or the sales and marketing. Plenty of options :)

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#29 speedfreak48t5p
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Easy and short. I finished GTA IV in 2 days (about 8-10 hours of gameplay).

There is no way in hell that is remotely possible in any way. Even if you did just strictly story missions, there's no way that's possible.
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#30 soapman72
Member since 2010 • 2714 Posts gaidan...super star wars empire strikes back...that is all

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#31 Benficafan_101
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Most games back in the day tend to screw you badly which is why they were"hard" and frustrating rather than actually being difficult . I don't really agree with games in general being too easy, definately sports games are holding your hand more and more each year. I wish online shooters were a little more difficult in leveling up bceause in games like BF and COD, its easy to get the best weapons quickly. Some games have easier bosses but thats only because games aren't broken and screw you badly all the time anymore
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#32 mariusturok
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It's not only about the NES era, compare for example Call of duty 2 with MW3. COD 2 was a lot harder than MW3. Farcry 1 for example was a really hard game. the trigens were a pain in the *** while FarCry 2 was easy as pie. Even crysis was easy compared to Farcry1, saying both were Crytek's creation. Another example of an old and really complex game would be Zelda ocarina of time or Majoras Mask, the puzzles in those games were amazing, they really put your mind at work. Morrowind vs Oblivion, again Morrowind was a lot harder and offered more complexity. Games get easier each year and like someone said, beating them is not as satisfying as beating Contra for example.

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#34 firefox59
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There are way too many of these threads. Games 'back in the day' used to seem more difficult because of various reasons. Graphical representation on the screen was not accurate as to what the game was reading, hit box and hit detection were terrible, etc. Today, yes, some games are more linear but that doesn't make them easier. Game design has evolved with the times, just enjoy them and stop complaining.

Who's complaining? i'm just making an observation... and a lot of people agree with me when I bring up this topic, especially people who grew up in the NES era. I enjoy games to the fullest, so much until I have made my full time everyday job in the gaming industry... I love games as much as any other gaming enthusiast, it's just that gaming these days is leaning more towards the casual crowd when it comes to difficulty.

There is only a select few titles these days which I look forward to on the release calendar. It's not like before when I had a laundry list of games that I HAD to buy and play. Games back in the day had some of the best character designs, awesome soundtracks, and excellent replay value due to the difficulty, it's a fact...

Well if you work in the industry than you should understand what I'm talking about in terms of how gaming has changed and evolved. Just because of Kinect and Move that doesn't mean that all gaming has shifted towards the casual. There are still a TON of games that came out this year that non gamers would suck at. Heck, one of my best friends used to game with me all the time but hasn't really played games in 3-4 years now (to now be considered a casual gamer). He was struggling with Bioshock 2 on hard when he came over, which was easier than the first one. But it's mainly people's definition of difficult that I have a problem with. Take the new Rayman game. It's supposed to be a throwback to the old 2D design, and with that design comes the crappy checkpoints and one hit deaths that people consider 'difficult'. That doesn't make a game difficult. Complex gameplay and games require strategy and tact make a game difficult. //endrant
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#35 AutoPilotOn
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I thought most games were shorter back in the day. Maybe I just had more patience and time back then.
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#36 CammiTac
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I can see this, but I'm not sure that it is a bad thing. I think it mostly has to do with just a changing audience that wants different things. And games used to be a lot simpler in design and difficulty was a way to keep a player playing longer. Imagine how short some of the older NES games would be, say if you had regenerating health. I'm not entirely sure that games are getting easier so much as they are just not as technologically limited. I might be completely wrong, though. And difficulty is so subjective.